Taking a Break - Episode 62


2020 has been an interesting year.  The Tennessee Titans ALMOST make the Super Bowl (it was a BIG deal around town folks) then we all go into lockdown for months, now we're witnessing as a large chunk of the country becomes aware that no, racism never truly went away.   Throughout all of this we've been trying to push on and put out episodes that we think our listenership would like.  But now it's time to take to take a little step back to reflect on everything that's happened so far this year and study up on some future topics.  We're taking a little break, but we'll be back later this summer with new episodes on Nashville, parenting, or just something random that we think is relevant.  Thanks for listening and we'll talk at you again soon.  


Back To School - Episode 63


The Secret of the Ooze- Episode 61